Each approach works best in a particular context. It is also possible to create combinations of these approaches to create a custom solution for your specific needs.

eHardware – Product companies often need to teach functional and technical aspects of hardware to Sales, Technical support staff, not to mention end users. These are usually related to the features, installation, configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting of electronic hardware such as servers, communication devices, media equipment, security equipment and the like.....

eSoftware – Hardware, software, networks, interfaces, databases are pretty much an ecology in most areas and cannot be treated as distinct entities when it comes to learning about them.
STAM’s instructional approach in such contexts is a robust frame of software application simulation, teaching processes and mapping relationships between systems.....

eConcept – Concepts are a basis for much learning, whether the learning is related to technology, soft skills, life skills or just about anything else. Teaching concepts has a distinct approach – it involves examples, non-examples, having the learners classify and distinguish between... STAM’s places concepts at the root of all learning builds other learning related to information and application skills upwards from there.

eService – This approach is particularly applicable to companies that specialize in selling technology based services e.g Telecom, Cable, Broadband, Entertainment or for companies providing technical, maintenance and trouble-shooting services. Frequently Asked Questions about the Services and its usage, implementation, anticipated issues and workarounds, tips and tricks, customization /configuration of the services for specialized needs, using advanced features and settings are some of the areas in which learning is often required.....

eDemo – Product companies often require demos that are half way between being marketing collateral and a training product, specifically for use with dealers, partners, customers and other stakeholders. These demos need to have the big picture and visual appeal of a marketing artefact, but need some depth and learning related value addition characteristic of training products. STAM has specialized expertise in this area, having created many such hybrid “demos”.

Triple Play –Assessments are often a critical requirement for customers. And equally often, the learning experience provided to participants (either in a classroom or online) is purely information based and does not contain enough opportunity to apply that information in a given context and complete the learning. In such cases, practice is the missing link between the learning and assessment. STAM’s TriplePlay is a comprehensive approach combining learning, practice and assessments for a complete learning experience.....