Do you want to sell our popular web based training courses from your web site to your customers/visitors?

  How Does It Work
  We will create and provide the web pages about the courses - with your company name.
See Example
  From your web site, you will provide a link to these web pages.
  Your potential customers will review the web pages and when ready will submit the order form.
  A copy of the order will sent to you and STAM.
  STAM will process the order and send the user the link to start the web based training course.
  At the end of each month, STAM will add up the orders and send you a commission check.

 No Effort  
STAM will take care of creating the web pages, processing the orders and sending of the monthly checks.

 Are You Interested?  
If you are interested in selling the web based training from your web site, please contact STAM by e-mail or ring us at 609-7509827.

If you meet our requirements, STAM will send you an agreement with the terms and conditions, prices and commissions. After we exchange the agreement, STAM will create the web pages for you - you will setup the link to these pages from your web site - and start generating revenue.